Here I am, day 15, trying to blog each day of November because it is National Blog Posting Month. I have only done this one other month and it was last November. What have I done today that is blog worthy? I have cleaned a bathroom and am making chili for my husband that just came in from opening day, here in Michigan, of gun season. Watch out Bambie. Not so interesting. I have went over to BlogHer the new home of NaBloPoMo so I could see what the writing prompt for the day was. You can find the button for the month on my sidebar. The prompt was, describe your favorite place. My favorite place is the beach, has been since I first stepped on it after moving to Michigan 30 some years ago. But I am not a writer. I do not know how to tell you anymore than what I just did that would really hold your interest. I just know that is where I like to go to get away and if hubs or my best friends go with me even better.
So I blog and I am not a writer, so why? Because I fell upon it by accident. One day I googled something and ended up on someones blog. And you all know how when we stumble on someones blog for a particular reason there are even more reasons on the sidebar to continue checking out other blogs. The next thing I knew, I needed a blog so I could keep track of all the wonderful blogs out there I enjoyed. I would say I started blogging because you all inspired me to. Why do I have just over 100 followers. I am not sure. I think maybe one day I actually posted something that was of interest to someone and one of these wonderful blog followers thought aha, maybe it will be worth following. Does that mean I had 100 good days? And then what, do you check in often? Or are you bored after that one good day?
I will admit I am wavering on blogging every day for the rest of the month. The month is getting busy. I have quite a few things on my calendar coming up along with the fact that I host the family Thanksgiving dinner. But I do not like not finishing what I start. Granted I have a lot of projects started and not finished. But I know I will finish them. This is like a hand made Christmas present, there is a diffident date that it needs to be done. There is no "I'll work on it tomorrow" when you commit to something like this. And what if the commitment is just to yourself. Somehow it seems to me if I cannot keep a commitment to myself how can I keep it for someone else?
Now friends I will admit this is about as deep as I get so do not come back if you liked this type of post because chances are it will not happen again very soon. But I do thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping in and listening to my droning. Have a wonderful evening.
Blessing from our home in the woods!
P.S. I do not think I have ever before had a post without pictures. But if you want to look at every post from the past you can tell me if I am right or wrong. Giggling a little here.