Friday, February 8, 2013


We finally received a substantial amount of snow.  So far this winter we have been getting a little here and a little there and the snow storms have been stopping short of us or going south or north of us.  Now I am not complaining because I am really not a winter person, but this storm has made everything pretty and except for not enjoying driving in it I have not really minded this nice big snow storm.
Thursday evening when I got home this is how much we had gotten through the day.  Now you may think this is a strange way to calculate how much snow has fallen but for some reason the snow that piles up on our deck seems to give us a pretty accurate depth.

 What the driveway looked like yesterday while hubs was plowing.

 This morning the deck and the driveway looked like this:

To get the hens this morning, I was almost knee deep in snow.

After work this is what I came home to.  Hubs had a lot of fun playing in the snow since he had the day off!

And of coarse at the end of the path the girls await.  They are really getting tired of being shut in.  I think in the next couple of days they might be able to get out in the run again.

They love to eat the snow that I track into the hen house when I go to feed and change their water.  I usually scoop a lot of snow up in the waterer for them before I take it back inside.
My black Jersey Giant has started molting.  She always molts this time of the year and  she ends up with a featherless neck for months.  She is such a pretty chicken and has such a very sweet nature also, that is is sad to see her look so messy for months.  She is the large chicken on the roost.
A few more snowy pictures:

"He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes."  Psalm 147:16

My favorite Charlie Brown tree, I have to take a picture of it every year.

Linking up with:

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!  Blessings from our home in the woods.


StitchinByTheLake said...

I loved seeing your snow pictures and also the chickens. I don't have chickens...just wish I did. My sister has 22 so I love going to visit her so I can bring some eggs home with me. :) blessings, marlene

mrs. c said...

tennessee. Wow! what lovely photos! I wish we had a little of that snow. Just wish we would have a little winter in Tennessee. I know, we always want what we do not have. Have a wonderful weekend! I always tell my students that tomorrow is Sleep-late Saturday! Hope you get to sleep in a little!

Bee Lady said...

The snow looks gorgeous, but I'm glad it's there and not here! After having a couple of 40-50 degree days, I'm ready for spring.

Cindy Bee

Cath said...

Such amazing photos of the snow...I can't imagine snow that deep (well we never see it where I live). How do you keep your hens warm in that weather?
Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

Holly said...

It's so beautiful! We haven't had more than a skiff or two and I miss it!
My neighbor now has chickens and I am benefiting from the bounty! So delicious and no responsibility!!!
Working on a quilt today...perhaps I'll finish one for a change?!

Jamie @ Prepared to Eat said...

Beautiful pics! I offered to free range my flock in the snow and they all stood at the door looking out at me like "Are you crazy??" lol