Monday, November 9, 2009

13 is not an unlucky number.

Jeff and I were married 13 years ago today. Of course we do not look quite the same. My hair is much shorter and I am a few pounds heavier. Jeff shaved for the wedding day but soon grew back his goatee which is mostly grey now. Of course you are thinking, only thirteen years? Doesn't her info say they have six grandchildren? It is my second marriage and my daughters and I could not have been blessed anymore than the day this man walked into our lives. When we married my daughters ages were 10, 13 and 16. Jeff referred to them as his daughters from that day forward.

We celebrated yesterday when the weather was so gorgeous. We walked to the back of our property and sat by the back pond and had cheese, crackers and wine. Jeff pointed out that we possibly might not ever have 70 degree weather in November for our anniversary celebration again. We did work together outside on another project most of the afternoon but I will post about that tomorrow.

Samantha, our middle daughter brought us this beautiful bouquet of flowers and some of the cheese and crackers we had. It was a day to remember. I hope everyone else had a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by!


Dandy Duke said...

Happy anniversary! It sounds like you had a very special day! Your flowers are just beautiful!

Vicki H. said...

Can you believe a 70 degree day in NOVEMBER! Glad your day was special!! Thanks for the warning about the flu, took the son to doc last evening and the meds should help. He was getting some breathing issues with his asthma. So far all is well!! Now that the sink is working here, off to do another load of dishes before work!!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Happy Anniversary - my husband and I celebrated our 28th on Sunday. It was a glorious day just like the day we got married - and on a Sunday too!!

Enjoy your life - love is so much better the second time around.


Mary Grace McNamara said...

Happy Anniversary Brenda! I'm back in my capris, short sleeved shirt and flip flops today...this weather is fabulous for November! My husband and I will celebrate out 27th anniversary next month but I doubt we'll be lucky enough to have this kind of weather!

Thanks for entering my giveaway. I'll post about yours later today.


Mary Grace McNamara said...

Oops, sorry, I mixed you up with someone else who is having a giveaway! But if you do decide to have one, I'll be happy to post about it :)


mrs. c said...

You will not believe this!!! You know how we have so many similarities, this is my second marriage as well! My hubby adopted my daughter 1 year after we married and then we had Ben. We will be celebrating 20 years this December. I guess "Jeff's " make the best husbands! Congratulations on your anniversary!

Liz Seelye said...

Of course he refers to us as his daughters! It's the truth, we are!

Love you! Hope you had a wonderful anniversary!

Old Time Cindy said...

Happy belated anniversary!
Living it up at Lakewood,

Tami said...

Happy Anniversary! What a pretty day to celebrate at home.